Martha McCabe Goose Loves

About Goose Loves

No one is more surprised than I am, that Goose Loves exists..

My name is Martha and I am originally from a small seaside village in the East of Ireland called Baltray. I still live nearby.

During Covid I took up a hobby of knitting, which led me to sewing.. Prior to this I had never turned on a sewing machine in my life. My Mam would have certainly had sewing skills that I did not inherit.

Although I have always loved fashion and retail, and would have dipped in and out of this area throughout my working career, when I started creating some accessories back in 2021, little did I think I would be writing a bio for a website!


My first real creation, “Neckwarmers” were always a favourite of mine. I would have bought some over the years as I found them handy to throw on, heading out the door. I always felt that the really lightweight ones I bought were too light and sporty looking and the other “fancier” ones I found online were over-priced, I have endeavoured to overcome this issue with my little business.

I love the whole creative aspect of Goose Loves, selecting fabrics and colours and coming up with new designs for different accessories. I love vibrant colours but I also love neutrals, so my collection will always include both. Mainly I design ladies accessories, but as I have seen an interest in Mens and Childrens, those will definitely be part of my collection in the future.

I believe if you are wearing nice accessories, any outfit can be dressed up or down as well as being practical.

Goose Loves Products Neck Warmers

Warm Wherever You Go

I spend a lot of time standing on sidelines watching matches, walking dogs or playing a bit of golf, all of which involve being outdoors. These accessories I have designed will work for most Sports, or even for No Sports, just to have a nice finish to a jumper or coat.

I hope Goose Loves continues to evolve, and I am excited as to where it can go.

I spend my days sewing happily now, literally the only downside to this new business is having to take photos of myself!

Finally, I have to say that without the support of a brilliant family and fantastic pals this site would not exist.

I hope you find something on this Goose Loves Website that you like, or someone you know, would like.

Thank you